Our Approach to Investing

Our Approach to Investing

At JPA, our investment approach is based on a belief in markets. Rather than relying on futile forecasting or trying to outguess others, we draw information about expected returns from the market itself—letting the collective knowledge of its millions of buyers and sellers set security prices.

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    Ready to invest? Here’s how to get started

    If you’re looking to get a better return from your money than you can from your bank account, then the time might be right to think about investing for the future. Before you begin, here are some golden rules to consider.

    You need to be clear why you’re investing and what your goals are. The sort of life events that people often invest for include a child’s education, a daughter’s wedding, to repaying a mortgage, retiring at 55 – the list can be a long one. Knowing your time frame helps to ensure you put in place the right investment strategy for your needs.

    You’ll need to have ready access to a cash fund to cover everyday living expenses and unforeseen expenditure. Obviously, there’s no point rushing into investment, if you’ve got substantial debts or if you know you’re going to have to make major financial commitments that will take up all your spare cash. A vital part of your financial planning must be providing adequately for retirement, not least because of the tax breaks available on pension contributions.

    You will need to establish how much risk you’re comfortable with, and the impact that will have on the rate of return you can realistically expect to earn. You should bear in mind that the level can vary from year, to year, and that past performance IS NOT a guide or a guarantee of future returns.

    The market is an effective information-processing machine. Millions of participants buy and sell securities in the world markets every day, and the real-time information they bring helps set prices.

    The number of managers that can successfully pick stocks are fewer than you’d expect by chance. So, why even play that game? You don’t need to.”

    The market’s pricing power works against investment fund managers who try to outperform through stock picking or market timing.

    Some investors select funds based on past returns. However, research shows that past performance offers little insight into a fund’s future returns.

    The financial markets have rewarded long-term investors. People expect a positive return on the capital they supply, and historically, the equity and fixed income markets have provided growth of wealth that has more than offset inflation.

    A portfolio that includes a range of assets alongside shares, such as bonds, property and cash, has been shown to perform better over the longer term than one that is only invested in one type of asset. This process is known as asset allocation and is almost always the starting point when deciding where to invest. Diversification helps reduce risks that have no expected return but diversifying within your home market is not enough. Global diversification can broaden your investment universe.

    You never know which market segments will outperform from year to year. By holding a globally diversified portfolio, investors are well positioned to seek returns wherever they occur.

    Many people struggle to separate their emotions from investing. Markets go up and down. Reacting to current market conditions may lead to making poor investment decisions.

    Daily market news and commentary can challenge your investment discipline. Some messages stir anxiety about the future, while others tempt you to chase the latest investment fad. When headlines unsettle you, consider the source and maintain a long-term perspective.

    A financial adviser can offer expertise and guidance to help you focus on actions that add value. This can lead to a better investment experience. If you are not getting value for money, then it’s time to talk to us for professional advice.

    Markets go up and they go down. The goal of Investing is to help people be prepared, so they can stick with their plan.

    We will be able to help you in a variety of ways. Firstly, we can work with you to review and assess your current situation, any existing holdings you may have, your family circumstances and tax position. Drawing on our expertise and extensive knowledge of the market, we will recommend the asset allocation that will meet your requirements, together with the investment options that are suitable for you.

    While building a potentially profitable portfolio means taking a longer-term approach, we will want to schedule regular reviews with you so that your investments can, if necessary, be altered or rebalanced in response to economic and market forces.