People put off buying life insurance for a variety of reasons and they shouldn’t.
Not only does life insurance give valuable peace of mind to families up and down the country, each year insurers pay out millions of pounds to families to help ease the financial strain caused by life’s unexpected events. Here are a few reasons people often give for not taking this vital step.
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Why you should avoid Protection Procrastination
Many people are surprised to learn that cover is far less expensive than they’d first thought. Plus, it’s a small price to pay when you consider that having no insurance would cost your family considerably more and could result in them struggling for money.
No one is immortal and buying protection policies when you’re in good health means you’ll find it easier to get a cost-efficient policy that meets your needs. If you leave it until you’re older and have health problems, your premiums will be higher.
If you don’t have kids but do have loved ones that depend on you financially – your spouse, partner, parent or sibling – then a payout from a policy would help to alleviate their financial burden at a difficult time.
If you’re a stay at home parent, just think of all the tasks you do on behalf of your family. Everything from cleaning, cooking and childcare might have to be paid for if you weren’t there to provide it.
While you may get insurance as part of your employment package, it may not be enough for your needs, and the policy won’t move with you if you change jobs.
It can be hard to assess how much life insurance you need on your own, but that’s where we can help you. Don’t let procrastination hold you back, get in touch.