A few personal finance facts we all need to know

Knowing your numbers can do wonders for your money, helping you plan and manage your finances effectively.

Your Credit score

If you’re thinking about getting your first mortgage or remortgaging, then it’s important to know your credit score. If it’s not as good as it could be, take steps to improve it before you make your mortgage application.

The rate of interest you’re paying on your mortgage.

As the monthly mortgage repayment is often the family’s major outgoing, it’s a good idea to review your mortgage from time to time, as there may now be a better deal to be had by remortgaging.

Your state pension age and how you will receive

The state pension age is increasing, so if you’re not sure when you’ll receive yours, you can check the date and get a forecast of the amount you’ll receive on the government’s website.

Where all your pensions are

If you’ve moved jobs a few times, the chances are you may have paid into several pensions. It’s important to know what your entitlement are; we can advise you whether you’d be better off transferring them into one scheme to reduce administration and charges.

How much you can save into your ISA

The ISA allowance for 2017-18 is £20000. Don’t pass up this important opportunity to save or invest tax-efficiently. We can help you choose the right ISA for you.